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Zimbra provides open source server and client software for messaging and collaboration. To find out more visit https://www.zimbra.com. Confirm Password.

  • 1Default Ports Used by Zimbra
KB 1391 Last updated on 2018-11-13 Last updated by Jhurley
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KB 1391 Last updated on 2018-11-13

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- This is certified documentation and is protected for editing by Zimbra Employees & Moderators only.
- This article is a Work in Progress, and may be unfinished or missing sections.

You may choose not to allow remote connections to all of the external ports depending on which services you want to make available. In general, it is best to be restrictive as possible.

External Access

These are ports typically available to mail clients.

Port Protocol Zimbra Service Description
25 smtp mta incoming mail to postfix
80 http mailbox / proxy web mail client (disabled by default in 8.0)
110 pop3 mailbox / proxy POP3
143 imap mailbox / proxy IMAP
443 https mailbox / proxy - web mail client HTTP over TLS
465 smtps mta Incoming mail to postfix over TLS (Legacy Outlook only? If possible, use 587 instead)
587 smtp mta Mail submission over TLS
993 imaps mailbox / proxy IMAP over TLS
995 pop3s mailbox / proxy POP3 over TLS
3443 https proxy User Certificate Connection Port (optional)
5222 xmpp mailbox Default server port
5223 xmpp mailbox Default legacy SSL port
9071 https proxy admin console HTTP over TLS (optional)

Internal Access

These are ports typically only used by the Zimbra system itself.

Port Protocol Zimbra Service Description
389 ldap ldap LC(ldap_bind_url)
636 ldaps ldaps if enabled via LC(ldap_bind_url)
3310 - mta/clamd zimbraClamAVBindAddress
5269 xmpp mailbox Server-to-Server communications between servers on the same cluster
7025 lmtp mailbox local mail delivery; zimbraLmtpBindAddress
7026 milter mailbox zimbra-milter; zimbraMilterBindAddress
7047 http conversion server Accessed by localhost by default; binds to '*'
7071 https mailbox admin console HTTP over TLS; zimbraAdminBindAddress
7072 http mailbox ZCS nginx lookup - backend http service for nginx lookup/authentication
7073 http mailbox ZCS saslauthd lookup - backend http service for SASL lookup/authentication (added in ZCS 8.7)
7110 pop3 mailbox Backend POP3 (if proxy configured); zimbraPop3BindAddress
7143 imap mailbox Backend IMAP (if proxy configured); zimbraImapBindAddress
7171 - zmconfigd configuration daemon; localhost
7306 mysql mailbox LC(mysql_bind_address); localhost
7307 mysql logger logger (removed in ZCS 7)
7780 http mailbox spell check
7993 imaps mailbox Backend IMAP over TLS (if proxy configured); zimbraImapSSLBindAddress
7995 pop3s mailbox Backend POP3 over TLS (if proxy configured); zimbraPop3SSLBindAddress
8080 http mailbox Backend HTTP (if proxy configured on same host); zimbraMailBindAddress
8443 https mailbox Backend HTTPS (if proxy configured on same host); zimbraMailSSLBindAddress
8465 milter mta/opendkim OpenDKIM milter service; localhost
8735 ng mailbox internal mailbox to mailbox communication
8736 ng mailbox distributed configuration
10024 smtp mta/amavisd to amavis from postfix; localhost
10025 smtp mta/master opendkim; localhost
10026 smtp mta/amavisd 'ORIGINATING' policy; localhost
10027 smtp mta/master postjournal
10028 smtp mta/master content_filter=scan via opendkim; localhost
10029 smtp mta/master 'postfix/archive'; localhost
10030 smtp mta/master 10032; localhost
10031 milter mta/cbpolicyd cluebringer policyd
10032 smtp mta/amavisd (antispam) 'ORIGINATING_POST' policy
10663 - logger LC(logger_zmrrdfetch_port); localhost
23232 - mta/amavisd amavis-services / msg-forwarder (zeromq); localhost
23233 - mta/amavisd snmp-responder; localhost
11211 memcached memcached nginx route lookups, mbox cache (calendar, folders, sync, tags); zimbraMemcachedBindAddress

System Access and Intra-Node Communication

In a multi-node environment the typical communication between nodes required includes:

Please note: this table is a WORK IN PROGRESS

Destination Source(s) Description
22 *ALL* SSH (system & zmrcd): host management
udp/53 *ALL* DNS (system ¦ dnscache): name resolution
udp/514 *ALL* syslog: system and application logging
389 *ALL* all nodes talk to LDAP server(s)
25 ldap sent email (cron jobs)
25 mbox sent email (web client, cron, etc.)
3310 mbox zimbraAttachmentsScanURL (not set by default)
11211 mbox mbox metadata data cache
11211 proxy backend mailbox route cache
Mailbox (mbox)
80 proxy backend proxy http
110 proxy backend proxy pop3
143 proxy backend proxy imap
443 proxy backend proxy https
993 proxy backend proxy imaps
995 proxy backend proxy pop3s
7025 mta all mta talk to any mbox (LMTP)
7047 mbox localhost by default; zimbraConvertdURL
7071 mbox all mbox talk to any mbox (Admin)
7072 proxy zmlookup; zimbraReverseProxyLookupTarget
7073 mta sasl auth; zimbraMtaAuthTarget (since ZCS 8.7)
Zimbra Docs
8443 all docs + all mbox backend https
Verified Against: unknownDate Created: 4/4/2006
Article ID:https://wiki.zimbra.com/index.php?title=PortsDate Modified: 2018-11-13

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  • 4Changing Your Account Settings
  • 7General Notes for Administrators
KB 15200 Last updated on 2015-07-11 Last updated by Jorge de la Cruz
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ZCS 8.6ZCS 8.5ZCS 8.0

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KB 15200 Last updated on 2015-07-11

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- This is certified documentation and is protected for editing by Zimbra Employees & Moderators only.

Zimbra Collaboration Server Network Edition with Zimbra Mobile enabled integrates natively over-the-air with the Mail, Contact and Calendar applications on any Apple iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad. By using the ActiveSync protocol no additional download is required, only that Wi-Fi or a wireless data plan is enabled. After a simple configuration step users can work virtually anywhere with their Zimbra account on the go.
You can use the Apple iPhone to access your Zimbra account three primary ways:

  1. Entering Zimbra Mobile settings for email, contact and calendar sync
  2. View Zimbra in the Safari mobile web browser
  3. Entering IMAP/POP3 email settings

For more information about ActiveSync, go to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ActiveSync.
Important: Performing the following steps can delete all of the existing contacts on your iPhone. This is a common problem for iPhone users when creating a new ActiveSync account. You should ensure that you have backed up all of your contacts before proceeding.

1. On your iPhone Home screen, tap the Settings icon (the Gears icon).

Scroll down and select Mail, Contacts, Calendars.

2. Select Add Account.

3. Choose Microsoft Exchange.

4. Enter your account information.

  • Email. This is your company email address (for example, user@company.net)
  • Password. This is your Zimbra password (the same one used for the Zimbra Web Client)
  • Description. This is a descritpion for yourself, you can write the name that you prefer.

*Note: Domain. If iOS ask for a domain, we need to leave the field blank Click Next.
5. Select to synchronize Mail, Contacts, and/or Calendars by setting the sliders to On.
If you already have Contacts, a screen displays asking if you want to keep your current contacts on your iPhone. If you select to Keep on My iPhone, you may see duplicate entries of your contacts.
6. Click Save. Your Zimbra Mobile account is now set up and synchronizes. You can now edit your global or account-specific settings as described in the next section, Changing Your Account Settings.

Once you have successfully set up your account, you should begin to see mail folders, contacts, and your calendar(s) appear on your device. When the synchronization completes, you can edit your global or account-specific settings.
In Settings > Mail, Contacts, Calendars you can set global or account-specific usability controls for your email account(s), including setting the number of messages to show, how many lines of an email to preview, font size, how often to sync, and more.
Note: When you make a global setting, all your email accounts are affected. When you make an account-specific setting, only the selected email account is affected.

Calendar Sync Filter

Select your Zimbra Account and then select Account Info to adjust whether you want any of the syncing options changed, how many days of email and which folders you want synced.
Important: If you have a large Calendar, you may have some issues if syncing more than 200 appointments.

Email Sync Filter

Select your Zimbra Account and then select Account Info to adjust whether you want any of the syncing options changed, how many days of email and which folders you want synced.
Important: If you select No Limit and you have a large amount of email, you may have some issues syncing.


All devices with an HTML-compatible browser can access Zimbra email, contacts, calendar, and briefcase using the Zimbra Mobile Web Client.

To use the Zimbra Mobile Web Client, open the HTML-compatible browser (the Safari icon on your iPhone) on your phone and type in the URL of your Zimbra Server with a /m/ at the end of the URL. For example:


If you have Zimbra Collaboration 8.x or above, you can use the new Touch Client, you only need to have a License 1.2 for your server, and in you mobile type the URL of your Zimbra Server.

You can see Emails, Contacts and Calendar for now, and is a HTML5 interface, so you can see it in your iPad too:


You can read your email on the iPhone just like you would with a desktop email client by setting it up for IMAP or POP3 access. This option is available to both free Open Source users and paying Network Edition users.
Note: This method only syncs email messages. To access your Zimbra contacts and calendars, use either Zimbra Mobile Web client in the Safari browser or upgrade to Zimbra Network Edition.

  1. Under Mail settings, select 'Add Account...'
  2. Select 'Other'
  3. Select 'IMAP', 'POP3', or 'Exchange'
  4. Fill in the 'Name', 'Address', and 'Description' fields
  5. Provide 'Host Name', 'User Name', and 'Password' in the 'Incoming Mail Server' section. The iPhone will automatically detect IMAP over SSL if your server requires it. If your server requires a non-default TCP port specification, use the hostname:port format in the 'Host Name' field. SSL settings can be adjusted later under the 'Advanced' section in the mail account settings.
  6. In the 'Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP)' section, provide settings for 'Host Name', 'User Name' and 'Password'. As with the incoming mail server, the 'Host Name' setting accepts the hostname:port format if the outgoing mail server uses a non-default TCP port.
  7. Save the configuration

Sub-Folders: Setting the IMAP Path Prefix to 'INBOX' allows for the browsing of folders child folders of 'Inbox', but peer folders such as Sent, Drafts, Trash, and Junk folders are not displayed.

Accessing Zimbra with 'Tethered' Sync Options

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It is possible to sync iPhone contacts and calendar using Connector for iSync (Apple) or Connector for Outlook (Windows) or on Linux via iTunes. These options are unsupported by Zimbra and we recommend using Zimbra Mobile instead.

SSL Certificates, the iPhone, and Zimbra Mobile

The iPhone prefers non-selfsigned SSL connections. If you have a self signed certificate, then it would be a good idea to install the iPhone Configuration Utility to deploy a self signed certificate on the iPhone: http://www.apple.com/support/iphone/enterprise/
The SSL certificate for an Exchange Active Sync server must have as its primary name the name by which the iPhone clients will address the server. This becomes important in situations where the Zimbra server is being run in a split-horizon DNS environment, because the name by which you address the EAS server must resolve to the same (public) IP address, no matter where you are; this may mean that users who have no name for their Zimbra server which behaves this way will need to add one, and such users will need to make sure that name is primary when they rebuild their cert.

Creating New Mail Notification via SMS

You may wish for the Zimbra server to send you a text message when you receive a new e-mail.

  1. Click Options
  2. Choose Mail
  3. Check 'Enable address for new mail notifications'
  4. Type your SMS address in e-mail format form. eg: number@txt.att.net
  5. Click Save

Now the server will text message you when you receive a new message. Text messaging rates may apply.


Zimbra Connector Apple iSync Guide
Apple KB: iPhone: Mail Settings
Zimbra Forums
Bug Tracking & Enhancement Request
Customer Support Portal

Verified Against: Zimbra Collaboration Server; Mac OS X 10.4.10; Mac OS X 10.5.5; Windows XP SP2; Microsoft Outlook 2003 SP1; iTunes 8.1; iOS 8.1.2Date Created: 6/30/2007
Article ID:https://wiki.zimbra.com/index.php?title=Zimbra_Mobile_Installation_and_Setup_for_iPhoneDate Modified: 2015-07-11

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